A Knit Decision

Knitting in Oregon, with other stuff, too, such as crochet, cats, dogs, history, fashion, highly opiniated rants, reading, diabetes, church, life in general, etc. I like circular needles, prefer natural yarns, don't spin, choose small projects, and don't have any one favorite yarn store. I love them all.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Knitting during the snow week

It snowed this week. This makes my life very hard, as I work for a certain public transit provider. It means that, no matter how hard it is to get to work, nor how little my job has to do with the actual operations of the buses you see on the road, I have to go to work during bad weather events.

I have knitted. I've knitted a lot on my Red Scarf #4, the final red scarf I have planned for the 2007 Red Scarf Project. It's a 3x3 rib, which is boring to knit, but I love the finished product. It's soft (merino), warm, stretchy. The yarn is Berroco Pure Merino, Color 8560, a nice burgundy. It will work well for a male and look fine on a female too. I think I'm about 8-20 inches away from the end of this last scarf.

Then, all that remains is finishing the four scarves...and you know how I feel about finishing. But this project has a DEADLINE, so I think I'll do it.

Then back to Emily's jacket sleeves. Her birthday is soon!

That is, if I don't get distracted by Judy's socks. Sock class is on Tuesday. Hooray, hooray!

Today, we looked for a new car to carry my knitting in. The current car only gets 12 mpg. The one we looked at gets 30-40 mpg. That will greatly increase my radius for what would be considered a local yarn store.

And, I got invited to aTupperware party! What fun! I do want to go, but hope I'm not too distracted by the socks or my several medical appointments or the new car thing.

Too much excitement.

See, I need the six feet of 3x3 rib to calm my spirit.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Becci said...

Oh, you must come:) I'd miss you if you didn't. Good to see you blogging again!


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