A Knit Decision

Knitting in Oregon, with other stuff, too, such as crochet, cats, dogs, history, fashion, highly opiniated rants, reading, diabetes, church, life in general, etc. I like circular needles, prefer natural yarns, don't spin, choose small projects, and don't have any one favorite yarn store. I love them all.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

I did not plan on buying anything

I did not plan on buying anything at the BMFA Barn Sale. However, that's not what happened.

But, as they say, what happens at Barn Sale, stays at Barn Sale. I did meet a couple of really nice folks, including D**** who was making her first sock. And this lady. Her photography is fabulous, or, as some would say at BarnSale f****** fabulous. And this lady who began knitting a mythical second sock in my very presence. I met even more really cool ladies, but you know how I completely forget things. I wish I could find Stephania's blog. She was great. I'll have to look harder. I got a few more inches on the Cute Baby Pants. I met Tina and she might even remember me this time, as I was wearing my Harley-Davidson gear.

The 2009 Sock Club opens up for registration on December 15, 2008. BMFA Sock Camp in March 2009. And the Sock Summit in August 2009. I'd ask Santa for help, but I've already made my request.

Photos soon? Perhaps, perhaps.

More knitting.

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At 6:33 PM, Blogger Courtney said...

Good to meet and knit with you too!

Here is Stephania's blog!


Happy Knitting!

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see you! Oh, bummer. I would have loved to chat with you.

Wasn't the sale fun, though? I came home with a few goodies. :-)


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