A Knit Decision

Knitting in Oregon, with other stuff, too, such as crochet, cats, dogs, history, fashion, highly opiniated rants, reading, diabetes, church, life in general, etc. I like circular needles, prefer natural yarns, don't spin, choose small projects, and don't have any one favorite yarn store. I love them all.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The more you look, the more you see

The title is a quote from Yann Martel's novel Life of Pi, which is now playing in my vehicle.

Last night I knitted the Baby Cable Cap from TiaJudy. Her site is fabulous and the little cable cap is irresistible. I just grabbed some sock yarn from my stash and knitted it up. This yarn does not show the cabling to best advantage, so if I make it again using magic yarn, I may just skip the cable and do straight garter stitch. I love the way the striping came out. This is a preemie size, measuring about 5 inches wide, when measured flat, and about 4 inches tall. Now I just gotta find the right folks to get it to Legacy Emanuel or OHSU patients, which is where most of the local NICU patients probably end up. Some youngster dad of a newborn boy may just love this hat. I think it's got 'tude.

I think TiaJudy's pattern may have an error in the odd numbered cable rows (rows 3, 7, and 11), as, if one followed them exactly as written, you would start the cable two stitches before you reached the stockinette section. She tells you, in row 2 to purl the cable section, knit 10 and turn the work. Then in row 3, she tells you to knit 8 and then work the cable. I don't think this would work, so I ignored the instructions, knit down to the cable, and turned the cable. I am the boss of my own knitting. And I'm sure she didn't mean it that way.

Next time I do this pattern, I'm going to review the directions for cabling without using a cable needle. That would make it much easier.

Heather, who I met at Knit-Purl (specifically, at their Thursday evening knitting event), has invited me to a knitters potluck tonight. What fun! I think, if one is planning a knitter's potluck that one would have an unwritten rule to avoid finger foods, so the guests could move directly from the meal to the knitting, without having to stop and wash. Would that work? Heather suggests potato salad, so I will be off in search of potato salad. Definitely a fork food.

I'm still working on the Fingerless Garter(stitch) Mitts. They're coming along. Still gotta finish those baby jackets.


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Becci said...

I am pretty clueless about most of the things you describe, but cute hat!


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