A Knit Decision

Knitting in Oregon, with other stuff, too, such as crochet, cats, dogs, history, fashion, highly opiniated rants, reading, diabetes, church, life in general, etc. I like circular needles, prefer natural yarns, don't spin, choose small projects, and don't have any one favorite yarn store. I love them all.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Laid Back Weekend

We had a nice laid back weekend. In other words, Dear Husband did lots of work and I admired it.

DH re-did the front flowerbed and added river rock and pebbles to cover the bed, as opposed to bark dust or another cover dressing. It looks great. We're all hoping that the cats will find this treatment as unappealing as we find it appealing. It has beautiful grey rocks with green ferns and hostas rising above it. It looks almost like one of those dry stream bed features we've seen on TV shows. But it's at our house. Astounding.

I did a personal yarn crawl (Mabel's Cafe and Knittery, Close-Knit, and Abundant Yarn & Dyeworks) and paid someone else to wash Snickers the dog. I acquired short size 3 DPNs to finish the Hippy Baby Sweater.

I, then, did not even touch the Hippy Baby Sweater. I finished knitting the body of the White Baby Surprise Jacket, which I must have finished by Sunday, June 25, for the final class. I did not sew seams or work on trim for either the Blue/Purple BSJ, or the Pink/Green BSJ.

On another positive note, Lenny and LollyPop, our two former foster kittens were adopted out via the Oregon Humane Society on Saturday. They should be adjusting to their new homes soon. I wish them and their new families many good years together. The remaining three kittens should go to OHS later on this week. They're little cuties, too.

We got together with my Dad on Saturday and ate some marvelous Jamaican food. Then we listened to MaryAnn's choir in concert. Delightful. DH got in touch with two out of three dads by phone on father's day. I'm not sure about the card situation. He always chooses terrific cards.

DH wants a really cool nickname for me to use when I refer to him on the web, but we haven't come up with one yet. He's a foamer (meaning a railroad fan, one of those guys who hangs out at the railroad crossings, with camera, foaming at the mouth, hence the term foamer), but I think that the reference is too obscure. In other words, I'd have to explain it over and over again. He's former Army guy, a former trucker, an incredibly hard worker. He can't be The Pants, a la Carrieoke. We'll think about an excellent nickname for him.


At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lori - Thanks for the mention in your blog - I looked through some entries and it sounds like you have fun! Come see us again.


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