A Knit Decision

Knitting in Oregon, with other stuff, too, such as crochet, cats, dogs, history, fashion, highly opiniated rants, reading, diabetes, church, life in general, etc. I like circular needles, prefer natural yarns, don't spin, choose small projects, and don't have any one favorite yarn store. I love them all.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dratted buttons

Again, I am stymied by the buttons. I must have a lot of resistance to sewing on the buttons. I can tell, because I haven't done it.

Am I hesitant to give away the baby sweaters? I don't know. I haven't touched the knitting much, because I told myself that the next thing that I should do is to sew on those buttons. I know. I'll feel better once I just sew the stupid things on and get it over with.

And yet, I don't do it.

Human nature.


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